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How To Lower Your Power Bill in Arizona

SRP and APS Utility Bills Are Going Up:

Arizona residents are bracing themselves for yet another utility rate increase from Arizona Public Service (APS), with an 8% hike announced for March 2024. This comes as a double blow following a significant 22.79% increase implemented in early 2023. Similar rate increases are seen for SRP customers. As homeowners seek ways to navigate these consecutive hikes, it’s essential to explore sustainable solutions that not only save money but also offer long-term financial benefits.

Saving Money with APS and SRP’s Time-of-Use Plan:

One strategy to offset the impact of rate increases is by enrolling in APS and SRPs Time-of-Use (TOU) plan. This plan encourages consumers to shift their energy consumption to off-peak hours when electricity costs are lower (anytime other than 4-7pm). Here are energy-saving tips to maximize savings with the TOU plan:

  1. Pre-Cool Your Home: Take advantage of cooler off-peak hours to pre-cool your home, reducing the need for extensive air conditioning during peak periods. To precool your home, program your thermostat 3 degrees below your normal comfort temperature starting 1 hour before the on-peak (expensive times) Monday-Friday. Once on-peak time hits, set your thermostat to be 3 degrees above your normal comfort temperature. Precooling can save you up to 25% during peak summer months.1
  2. Portable AC Units for Bedroom/ Office: Do you or your spouse like to sleep in the Arctic? A more energy-efficient way would be to buy a portable AC unit for your bedroom and overnight set your central AC to a higher temperature. Portable ACs run on a fraction of your central AC energy. Plus, why cool your entire house when you don’t need to?
  3. Replace Weather Stripping: Ensure your home is well-insulated by replacing old weather stripping, preventing energy loss, and reducing the workload on heating and cooling systems.
  4. Embrace the fans: Before you turn your AC down a few degrees, consider turning on a fan. A fan can make it feel 3-4 degrees cooler. A ceiling fan only uses about 75 watts of electricity when on high. Compare that to an average AC unit that uses 3000-4000 watts per hour.
  5. Utilize Smart Thermostats: Install smart thermostats to automate temperature adjustments based on your schedule, optimizing energy usage and maximizing savings. Plus these are great for when you leave on vacation and forget to adjust your thermostat since they can be controlled while away from home.

Going Solar as a Long-Term Solution

As Arizona Public Service implements another rate increase, homeowners are faced with the challenge of managing escalating utility bills. Not only that, but rising global temperatures are also a contributing factor to higher monthly bills. Phoenix, Arizona’s 2023 summer was the hottest on record, with 54 days of temperatures of 110°F or higher. This is 36 days more than the previous record. 

Transitioning to solar energy emerges as the best long-term solution financially, offering significant savings, environmental benefits, and energy independence. By harnessing the power of solar, homeowners can reduce reliance on traditional energy sources, mitigate the impact of rate hikes, and secure a brighter and more sustainable future for generations to come.

  1. $0 Out of Pocket: Solar providers offer financing options or leasing arrangements that require no upfront payment, making solar accessible to all homeowners.
  2. 30% Tax Credit: Homeowners can benefit from a 30% federal tax credit on solar installations, significantly reducing the overall cost.
  3. Adds Equity to Your Home: Solar installations increase property value, making homes more attractive in the real estate market and providing a return on investment.
  4. 25-Year Warranty: Solar panels typically come with a 25-year warranty, offering peace of mind and long-term protection against potential issues.
  5. Fixed Utility Bill: Arizona Homeowners have seen a 25% increase in the last two years alone and it is only going to keep increasing. With solar, you can look forward to a fixed low-cost bill. Essentially, you are inflation-proofing your energy costs!

Want to Learn More? Upload a copy of your utility bill to receive a FREE solar home energy evaluation.

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    1. https://crystalheatingandcooling.com/supercooling-your-home/#:~:text=This%20method%20can%20save%20you,figure%20out%20your%20best%20options. ↩︎